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centrelink national support unit


Client: Multiplex

Value: $4.4 million

Completed: 2008

Location: Tuggeranong, ACT


The design brief required Quick Plumbing to develop many innovative energy efficient and green plumbing features. These included rainwater capture at a rate of 700 litres a second; and greywater recycling at 20,000 litres a day for use within the building for flushing and outdoors for garden watering. Two solar arrays supply at least 50% of hot water requirements.

7 London circuit & 18 Marcus Clarke Street


Client: Thiess

Value: $4.5 million

Completed: 2008

Location: Canberra


These two new office buildings in the heart of the Canberra business district were purpose-built for a number of government tenants.

Each building has rainwater capture and was also designed for low maintenance and energy efficiency which were the most important features of the services design and installation brief.

auburn hospital


Client: Multiplex

Value: $5.3 million

Completed: 2007

Location: Auburn, NSW


The Auburn Hospital project includes a new 184-bed main hospital building and community health facilities.


The new hospital is environmentally friendly, with a 'clean & green' design which includes water recycling and innovations to reduce energy consumption. Rainwater collected from roof areas is used for toilet-flushing and for watering garden areas. 

Westmead hospital


Client: Thiess

Value: $7.3 million

Completed: 2007

Location: Westmead, NSW


The Westmead Hospital Infill Project was a series of 5 extensions built amongst the existing hospital whilst full operation was maintained.

The Quick Plumbing team worked with the Hospital Operations staff and Thiess to plan and stage works while maintaining all essential services and meeting project deadlines. At numerous times throughout the project co-ordination of partial shutdowns was required to allow connections and diversions to live services.

For more information, download our brochure
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