Horizon Apartment Towers
Client: Grocon
Value: $4 million
Completed: 2000
Location: Sydney
Harry Seidler's design was developed to take advantage of the unparalleled views of Sydney Harbour and Botany Bay which this site enjoys.
The pre-stressed concrete structure of 32,000 square metres won the New South Wales Wilkinson Award, RAIA, 1999 and it was praised as "a model for future cities of density and sustainability".

Stamford Marque Apartments
Client: Laing O'Rourke
Value: $2.7 million
Completed: 2007
Location: Millers Point, Sydney
83 luxury residential apartments occupy a stunning site at
Millers Point . The apartments were built by Laing O'Rourke for the world renowned Stamford Property Group.

silkwood apartments
Client: St Hilliers
Value: $1.3 million
Completed: 2006
Location: Surry Hills, Sydney
The site of the Silkwood Apartments is a triangular block in Surry Hills alongside the heritage-listed Silknit House.
The building combined an auditorium, 2 levels of commercial space and 48 residential apartments.